Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Working on rooms

Hey kitties! Kitty here, and I would like to inform you of the progress on a new tropicats room! At the moment, there are many room ideas created, but they havn't acually been drawn out or added to the game yet. I have almost completed one of my favorite rooms on Tropicats, and here is a section of the picture so far!

Yes, I know, it looks terrible right now. However, this is only the beginning of the coloring and animation. I know those fish don't look very well right now, but, like I said, I just started working on this room, so it will be much better. I havn't gotten to coloring the floor or walls but it shouldn't be long. Once that is done I will complete a few more rooms. After more rooms are completed, and a few more things are fixed or added, we will put up sign ups and allow some selected kitties to help us test. If you comment and keep in touch with us, you may get a better chance of being chosen!

Got anything you want to send to us? Contact us at Tropicats@kittymail.com

Friday, September 16, 2011

Back in progress!

Just as I said, I would continue to work on Tropicats starting September 16th. Things are coming along great, and I hope to release as soon as possible. You may have to wait a few more weeks, but it shouldn't be too long. There may be a small delay, however, on some things because I need to start saving up some more money. I got this new laptop at a good price, so I only need abit more in order to register certain programs. Leave a comment and tell me if you want some pictures up, or anything else. Thanks~

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Laptop failure

I'm sorry I havn't posted in awhile, but my laptop finally quit working. I have the money for a new one, but I am waiting awhile before I make a purchase on a new laptop. Once I get a new one, I will work as hard as possible, and maybe put out the sign up page. Keep checking back for updates, and I assume the new laptop will be purchased around September 16th. That is not the exact date, but it gives you an idea of when we may get back into progress.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sign ups on its way?

Hey everyone! I have alot of great news to share, and it all starts out with sign ups. The team and I have been completing alot of work, and most of the basics are almost completed. Once we have a few tests for glitches, and follow up on other things that need to be done, the game will be ready for its release!
The only thing that might slow down the process is the server, which I am having a few difficulties with... but don't worry, they will be fixed up as soon as possible. I would also like to think the fans of Tropicats who have been patient with us, and we hope to put up a register very soon. Keep checking back, and you may know just when that very day will be. People who sign up in the first few days of the launch, will get an exclusive item so be prepared!

Kitty Central Sneak Peek~

I decided to show a small section of the very first room you will witness. During the release, there will be many rooms to explore, and so many things to inhabit. Stay tuned-

Got any ideas, questions, or comments? Send them to klubkitty@kittymail.com

Tropicats, where YOU rule the litterbox!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Designing New Creations

While we may have lost all of our data, that doesn't mean the game won't release. I've been working hard to try and recreate most of the objects, and at the moment I am trying to complete a map of tropicats. Also, all the rooms I've completed before will improve greatly. Keep checking for some sneak previews of these things.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Whats happening

Hey everybody! First of all, I would like to break down the bad news. My laptop, stupid as it is, erased everything I had on my laptop. This means I lost most of my Tropicats files. Luckily I uploaded alot of stuff online, so I won't have to start completely over. Sorry for the let down, but it will all get better soon. I was even hoping to release it until the small, well big, incident happened. I will be working extra hard, and hopefully I get back to where I was.

Tropicats, where YOU rule the litterbox! <---- Motto.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Working with the Chat Bar

Hey I would like to say everything is running great and the server is still going good. At the moment, I am working on the buttons that are activated from the chat bar! The emotes are pretty cool too
Anyway, as I work on the emotes and other buttons, I am also working on the player card. The design is finished, as you knew in the last post, but there is a problem when I try to load an external file. I will get it solved sooner or later,